We can plant a house, We can build a tree*

macchina fiori ipazia

It is sad to think that places like this represent the beginning of the end” this is what a friend of mine told me during the performative lecture carried out on July 26, 2014, at the project space uqbar by Eva Kietzmann and Petra Kuebert, Berlin. Continue reading

In the city, out of the crisis

tavolo ipazia

Makers, as synonymous for active citizens who are everywhere slowly, but inexorably, changing the rules of urban life and of the market. Different successful stories of neighbors who are taking the lead on a small scale to find creative and sustainable solutions to cope with daily problems in a city and to look at the general crisis as a positive challenge. What is happening in the cities? Why there is this need to associate, to create, to share and develop new forms of cooperation and re(use), to shape a common project and self-determined development strategies? Grass-roots initiatives are more than ever raising their voices and claiming their right to the city. Continue reading

\infty mass flow

flow ipazia

This is part of a site-specific project realized during my first year in Berlin, when I was absolutely fascinated and thrilled by the energy of this unconventional European capital and I wanted to discover its “secrets” as much as possible. Continue reading